Her Brand and Co. Teams up with HeyMama to help more moms grow and scale their businesses

Life of a mompreneur…the juggle is real.

Jess, our co-founder & CEO, knows the mompreneur juggle all too well. From nursing her daughter in the backseat of her car while she dreamt up her 2nd business, to pumping under her desk while on a conference call with the European Union…the juggle is real.

Being a mompreneur is near and dear to Jess’ heart. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons she became an entrepreneur! She wanted the freedom and autonomy of time, and she wanted to redefine what it meant for her to be a working mom. Jess will tell you time again that being a working mom makes her a better mom, and we know that many moms find themselves starting side hustles, launching innovative ideas, and seeking alternative employment or other career opportunities that are more conducive to managing a young family (a full time job in its own right).

One such path is entrepreneurship, and moms are building incredible businesses at a rate never seen before.

Did you know….that 1 in 3 women-owned businesses is owned by a mother?

That’s ~4.7 million businesses launched, owned and operated by working mothers. And we know that moms do business differently. Moms consistently create thriving startup culture where people and purpose take priority. So when the opportunity arose for Her Brand & Co. to partner with HeyMama, the leading membership community for working moms, Jess jumped on the opportunity. At Her Brand & Co. our mission is to help all women live their lives by the own rules by democratizing access to life-changing marketing education. And through our partnership, we’ve teamed up to help 20 moms supercharge their business’ impact. This February, we’re launching an exclusive, mom-centered Marketing Mastermind, called the HeyMama Marketing Mastermind (powered by Her Brand & Co.) to help our fellow mamas double-down on sales, supercharge their lead generation, and own their marketing strategy in 2023.

In this Marketing Mastermind, we plan on helping mompreneurs scale their impact and grow their revenue through our 5 program pillars:

  • Group accountability

  • Customized Strategies Focused on Customers & Conversion (our fancy way of saying, “your marketing plan will not be some cookie-cutter template we use for everyone else.“)

  • Monthly action items and hot seats focused on real needle movers in the business

  • Hands on support through weekly office hours, group coaching and collaborative working sessions with other moms

  • Curated education focused on sales and revenue, email marketing, marketing funnel building and optimization, partnerships, website optimization, and much more.

As we always say, “marketing is not a one-size fits all,” and we look forward to featuring the founders in an upcoming blog post and helping them scale their businesses like never before. Stay tuned for more!

We believe that when mompreneurs have the opportunity to build their dream businesses, communities thrive and the world just simply works better.” - Jessica Korthuis, Co-founder & CEO, Her Brand & Co.


Growing, Unlearning and Owning the “Messy Middle” (Season 2 Ep. 2)


The Power of Personality Brand and the Beauty of Leaning into Yourself (Season 2 Ep. 1)