Life of a mompreneur…the juggle is real.

HeyMama is excited to team up with Her Brand & Co. for another exclusive, mom-centered Marketing Mastermind to help you double-down on sales, supercharge your lead generation, and own your marketing strategy.

Program kicks off September 6th! (runs to November 15th)

Hey mama,

have your leads & sales hit a ceiling because you’re juggling it all and crave structure & support?

Do you need help identifying which marketing channels, tools and tactics actually drive revenue this fall?

Say goodbye to haphazard marketing tactics and join our specialized Marketing Mastermind designed exclusively for moms.

“I have more than doubled revenue in this program.

This program has been integral to helping me drive business. I focused heavily on lead generation and customer retention and continue to see consistent sales.

— Kerry Farris, Founder of Once Again Home Co. (Mom of 3)

Our why.

1 in 3 women-owned businesses is owned by a mother.

That’s ~4.7 million businesses launched, owned and operated by working mothers. And we know that moms do business differently.

Moms consistently create thriving startup culture where people and purpose take priority.

We want to help you supercharge your business’ impact.

To take the cake…

We believe that when mompreneurs have the opportunity to build their dream businesses, communities thrive and the world just simply works better.

The HeyMama Mastermind Promise.

We’ll help you double-down on sales, supercharge your lead generation, and own your marketing strategy through our five proven Program Pillars:

  • 1. Group Accountability

    You are 95% more likely to achieve a goal if you are committed to it in a group format.

    You’ll get access to other growth-focused mamas who will share their knowledge and resources for the better of the cohort. We are all in this together, and a rising tide lifts all boats.

  • 2. Customized Strategies Focused on Customers & Conversion

    Our fancy way of saying, “your marketing plan will not be some cookie-cutter template we use for everyone else.“

    We teach you how to apply the foundations of selling, marketing and storytelling, and exactly how they apply to your business. You’ll learn the best practices for targeting customers, nurturing leads, and closing sales.

  • 3. Monthly Action Items

    Take too many programs that teach and don’t DO?

    We’ll train you to spot and enhance the real NEEDLE MOVERS in your business so you stay laser-focused on tasks that bring in the real revenue.

  • 4. Hands-On Support

    Giving you TLC every step of the way.

    You’ll have at least two private coaching sessions with HB&C leadership so we can ensure you’re reaching and surpassing your sales and marketing goals - together. We also have optional monthly co-working sessions + office hours to make sure you’re feeling great about your marketing strategy.

  • 5. Curated Education

    No templated, irrelevant content that doesn’t apply to your business.

    While the majority of our cohorts have a lot in common, we customize every cohort with curated training and custom content that is relevant to you and every mama in your group.

“I swear this Mastermind is my good luck charm.

It seems like every time I join a cohort I see huge spikes of growth in leads, sales, and partners. What we do in this program really works!" 

— Meredith LeJeune, Founder of Thought Bubble Communications (Mom of twins)

Marketing is not a one size-fits-all. There is no silver bullet. No magic sauce.

The HeyMama Marketing Mastermind (powered by Her Brand & Co) is our high touch, small group coaching program that teaches you how to create a growth and sales plan that is unique to your business and your customer.

Grow like a mama.

Apply and achieve these guaranteed outcomes:

  • 1. A Vision for Your Business That Matches Your Family Lifestyle & Revenue Goals

    You’ll gain the confidence and conviction that your vision and revenue roadmap align with your family goals - and your schedule.

    Setting goals and realistic projections are a critical part of growing your business, but doing that process solo can be intimidating. That’s why we dial into your dream outcomes and break them down into tactical, tangible 90-day sprints and quarterly milestones you know you can handle.

  • 2. A Custom Sales and Growth Plan You Can Rely on for the Long Haul

    You’ll leave with a comprehensive marketing plan and growth strategy that’s durable, simple to implement, and actually drives sales.

    There is no silver bullet in marketing, and what works for someone else might not work for you. We’ll train you to spot marketing opportunities and ignore trendy distractions, guaranteeing a plan that’s dedicated to your immediate and long-term success.

  • 3. A Lead Generation and Sales Playbook Guaranteed to Boost Conversions

    You’ll unlearn that sales is dirty, pushy or insincere, and learn how to authentically share your solution with your customers.

    When you don’t sell, you are selfishly keeping your solution out of reach for those who need it - your customers! Together, we will uncover the best lead generation and sales strategies to grow your customer base and scale the number of people who have access to your brilliant product or service.

  • 4. A Manageable Content Strategy That Drives Leads and Revenue

    You’ll learn what content mix works best for your customer, and what channels you’re safe to ignore.

    It’s critical to identify the real needle movers in your content strategy and where to double down. We’ll help you optimize your content creation process, share what tech you can use to increase your output, and what strategies to completely take off your plate.

  • 5. A 90-Day Implementation Framework To Set Goals and Outcomes Every Quarter

    You’ll unlock tools to set clear goals, create KPIs (key performance indicators) and measure the success of your marketing and sales strategies.

    Our 90-day implementation framework will set you and your business up for life. We’ll walk you through how to deconstruct your vision and revenue goals and create manageable quarterly sprints. This helps you analyze and optimize your work on an ongoing basis to make sure you’re building on what’s working and ditching what’s not.

How will you transform in this program?

  • From limited clients and doing all the work

  • To a client waitlist and hiring a team to delegate and grow

  • From small partnerships, limited outreach, low brand awareness

  • To securing global retail partnerships, and mastering the art of outreach

  • From no launch marketing plan, overwhelmed by marketing strategies and tactics, huge pressure to deliver and sustain sales

  • To dominating marketing strategies that are needle movers for the business, executed marketing plans, confidence to consistently meet revenue goals

  • From sole focus on product development leading to avoiding sales and revenue generating strategies

  • To setting up a lead generation strategy, launching a paid BETA program, and deploying a strong and sustainable outreach strategy

These ladies are truly investing in my growth.

My little one is constantly making a cameo appearance in our sessions. All families are welcome here, and I have gained so much knowledge and practical skills that are 100% applicable to me, I’ve also gained a deeper understanding of my go-to-market strategy and brand voice.”

— Janice Wong, Owner of BeCeBe Cloth (Mom of 2)

How the Marketing Mastermind, and what’s included:

100% virtual, no matter where you are.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.

We’ll work closely together, as a group, for 90-minutes, every other week, for a total of 3 months.

You’ll dig deep to understand your WHY behind your business, set clear and achievable revenue goals, audit your current marketing strategies, and break down your goal into quarters with a supporting marketing plan.

  1. Create your revenue goal + 90-day marketing plan

2. Determine your mastermind “hot seat” (through private coaching)

Once you’ve created your marketing plan, you will meet with us one-on-one to determine your “hot seat” for the program. We’ll determine your “hot seat” together as a clear needle mover within your marketing plan and something we will provide education, support and maximum accountability around.

3. Set up clear marketing deliverables

We’ll break your big goal down to bite-sized pieces and set up deliverables for you to follow throughout the program. We’ll support these deliverables with curated education and individual accountability.

4. Engage in bi-weekly group coaching calls (2/month)

You’ll meet with the cohort and mentors twice per month, for four months. We curate the curriculum for each cohort based on the founders’ needs and “hot seats”, then provide education, coaching and accountability around each founders’ needs.

5. Receive lots of one-on-one support from Jess & Mari with unbridled access + weekly office hours

We make ourselves available to you throughout the program. In addition to the individualized coaching, we encourage founders to email us, tag us, run anything by us anytime you need a sounding board. We reply to every email and are always happy to hop on a call with you.

6. Monthly co-working sessions (optional)

Working ON our business can get away from us while we are working IN our business. We get it. Outside of group calls, the program also includes monthly 2-hour working sessions catered to a key topic the group is focused on. We’ll co-work virtually and get sh*t done.

Throughout the mastermind, you will have clear deliverables, curated education, and individual & group accountability to hit your marketing and sales goals.

Program Leads & Mentors

  • Co-founder & COO, Her Brand & Co.

    Mari leads all of the Mastermind program development and curriculum. She is your deliverable ninja and ultimate accountability partner, making sure you are keeping on track with your mastermind goal, and exceeding your own expectations.

  • Co-founder & CEO, Her Brand & Co.

    Jess assists in the mastermind as a program mentor and idea-springboard. She teaches alongside Mari, and provides live mentorship and coaching for all of the participants during their time in the program.

“Jess & Mari are awesome! I loved their knowledge and realness.

I’m a full-time marketer for a large company, and having gone through this mastermind, it’s the real deal! I have a new perspective and a much better idea of how to continue growing my jewelry business.”

— Lisa Lewis, Founder of Bom Bom, (Mom of 2 spirited boys)

Program investment.

Option 1


Payment in full

  • HeyMama Members will automatically receive a 20% discount on their program fee

  • As a thank you for paying in full, you’ll get a *bonus* 1-hour private intensive working session with HB&C (valued at $750)

Option 2


8 month payment plan

  • HeyMama Members will automatically receive a 20% discount on their program fee (this will be adjusted in your payment plan)

  • Make payments towards your tuition over the span of 8 months

You ready mama?

Let’s double-down on sales, supercharge your lead generation & get your marketing WORKING this fall.


  • This program is perfect for female founders who already have an existing business and/or clearly defined product/service with some traction. Some traction could look like early customers, a working prototype, revenue and sales, partnerships, etc. Are you an action-oriented founder who’s ready to embrace the accountability and structure that only a mastermind can provide? Then this program is for you!

  • Only 10 founders will be accepted into each cohort. To ensure we can deep-dive into everyone’s business and maintain the optimal program experience, space is limited. Program placement is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and HeyMama members will receive a discount and priority placement in the program.

  • Once we have received your application, you have been accepted into the program, and you have paid the program fee or set up your payment plan, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances. We understand that rare and extraordinary circumstances do happen, so we will review on a case-by-case basis. If you are not convinced that this program is for you, please consider other programs.

  • Yes! In this program, each lesson builds on each other, and if you miss the previous session, it is very difficult to catch up to the rest of the cohort. Of course we understand that life gets crazy sometimes, and there can be extenuating circumstances, we ask that you clear your schedule and be ready to dive into the program for its entirety.

  • We suggest budgeting about 7-8 hours per month. Some weeks will be more intensive with regards to your action items than others, this is because hitting those revenue goals is no small task! We will be here to help you create a plan, set expectations and hold you accountable during the entirety of the program.

  • LIVE, baby! Everything about this program is live and happens in real time. We do record all sessions, however, it is best that you make the time to attend live to see the best results.

Have more questions that we didn’t answer? Don’t be a stranger, and email us at [email protected]